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Knizarnica Urbanium
Total ItemMatt and Grace were two lonely souls, from the first moment they met they became inseparable friends. Over time, their friendship grew into a great love. Both were talented and had dreams they wanted to achieve. But fate was not kind to them – it put their love and trust to the test, and their paths diverged. They promised each other that they will be in constant contact and will see each other again soon. They never fulfilled their promises. Fifteen years later, Matt meets Grace again. The two were different in many ways, yet the same. They live as two halves of one whole heart - kindred spirits. Their eyes were misty from the wind, but more so from their emotions. Together they wept for the reality they had to accept. No one could change the past or regain the time they lost while apart. They should have learned to fly before they soared… This time fate was more powerful than time, she always found a way to bring two kindred spirits together giving them a second chance to make up for what was missed.
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