How to open a store?
Welcome to Deposit House Market
If you want to open a store and sell products for free
below shows how to do it.
To open a store the first step is to click on the link in the upper right corner

Next, select a store registration and fill in your information.
NOTE: The name of the store owner and the user name
are the same and can only be changed in the user profile.
If you want to change the phone number, contact us.
After you enter your information you will receive an email,
where you will need to click on the link provided to verify it
your email address.
You will then receive a message on your phone with the OTP code, which you will need
to enter it (if you receive two messages with OTP code,
use the latter).
After entering the OTP code, go back to the page and log in
at your store.
Press the button

and choose free plan.
Next you need to confirm
Your store is activated, you can start
by selling your products.
* By creating a store, you also create a user profile
which you can use to buy products.