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Slim Fit Tea 20 x 1.5 g

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Product SKU: PMED-60

Features and purpose: It helps in the regulation of body weight. Action: The active components of buckthorn bark and senna leaf (anthraquinones and their reduced derivatives) stimulate the work of the colon and thereby promote its emptying. The essential oils of cumin, peppermint, chamomile flower and fennel relax the intestinal muscles and improve the release of gas. Licorice root is a light purgative, so it also contributes to bowel emptying. The juniper fruit contains essential oils that stimulate the renal epithelium and influence increased urine excretion. With this combination of medicinal herbs, the stool is regulated. By regulating the stool, excessive calories are not ingested. While the body weight is regulated with an increased excretion of fluids. Ingredients: Slim Fit tea contains: Senna leaf (Sennae folium) Pear bark (Frangulae cortex) Mint leaf (Menthae piperitae folium) Chamomile flower (Matricariae flos) Caraway fruit (Carvi fructus) Fennel fruit (Foeniculi fructus) Liquorice root (Liquiritiae radix) Juniper fruit (Juniperi fructus)

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