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Total ItemWorks in 3 ways Chewbrush works in three ways to keep your dog clean. First, while your dog chews, the inner core of the hair gently brushes your teeth. As the teeth enter the strategically positioned openings, Chewbrush scratches the tooth and deposit. Then, the small rubber cores on the outside of Chewbrush gently massage gums to improve circulation. Dental Hygiene for Dogs Does your dog have proper teeth hygiene? Other dog toothbrushes are heavy and can cause unnecessary stress for you and your puppy. Now there is a simple way for your dog to get teeth cleaning between visiting dog teeth. Chewbrush is a toothbrush for self-whitening dogs. The more your puppy chews, the cleaner his / her teeth! What's more, is that Chewbrush looks like a fun rubber toy for dogs. Your lesson will never know that he or she brushes his teeth!
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