Why NBL Fish Oil? NBL fish oil is derived from the small fatty fish anchovy, which lives in the deep waters of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. The anchovy has a high level of Omega-3 fatty acids that play an important role in heart health and brain function. Forget the fear of fish meat contaminated with mercury because anchovies are very small fatty fish, extremely clean and free of environmental pollutants (pesticides, heavy metals) which is not the case with all larger fish. What sets NBL fish oil apart from the rest? It does not contain vitamins, which allows easy dosing for each child of a different age. This ensures pure Omega-3 as much as needed and enough! NBL fish oil, which according to the claims of EFSA (European Food Quality Agency) contributes with:
- EPA/DHA – for normal heart function,
- EPA/DHA – to maintain a normal level of triglycerides in the blood,
- DHA – for normal brain function,
- DHA – to maintain normal vision.
Did you know what the quality of fish oil is measured by? The quality and efficiency of fish oil is measured by the concentration of EPA and DHA as well as their appropriate ratio. An ideal ratio of 3:2 for maximum utilization by the body as in NBL Fish Oil
Dosage In 10 ml NBL Fish Oil Jr contains: 820 omega 3 of who
- 390 mg of EPA
- 260 mg of DHA
NBL Fish Oil Jr. drink after a meal! The dosage is 10 ml for children over 3 years and 5 ml for children from 1 to 3 years NBL fish oil has an acceptable taste of mango and peach.
What is the difference between NBL fish oil and other Omega-3 products?- NBL fish oil offers guaranteed quality, with 2 IFOS and FriendsOfTheSea certificates
- Guaranteed to be from approved suppliers,
- Complying with all standards for consistent fish oil quality,
- It does not contain heavy metals - especially mercury
- Without the use of growth hormones or GM food.
Why is it extremely important to look for the IFOS mark on fish oil? IFOS advocates that the fish oil is of verified quality from approved suppliers, produced according to all standards and with a concentration according to all world recommendations. The raw material comes from the highest quality fish oils recognizable under the name MEG-3 ® - trademark of the world's leading distributor DSM Mulgrave, Nova Scotia CANADA where NOBEL ILAC TURKEY procures MANUFACTURER: Vefa Ilac Sanayii Ve Ticaret Ltd. Şti.Istanbul, Turkey COUNTRY OF PRODUCT ORIGIN Turkey (The country of origin of fish oil is different from the country of origin of the product)
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