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Product SKU: ESSN-28

Magnevital Magnezijum hlorid gel joni za relaxation is formulated on the basis of magnesium chloride, which is quickly resorbed through the skin, and the effect of the action is felt shortly after applying the product. With its properties for calming the body, it facilitates the onset of sleep, helps with conditions of nervous tension, stress, exhaustion, fatigue and insomnia. It improves the hydration of the skin, reduces stiffness and the feeling of heaviness in the legs, which is especially important for the elderly and for people who move poorly or sit for a long time. It has a beneficial effect on pain and muscle spasms (feet, leaves, hands). In its composition, it also contains lavender and eucalyptus essential oils, so its application is advised as a preventive measure for professional athletes or recreational people, in order to relax the muscles before training. The gel can be used to prepare relaxation baths, as well as be rubbed on the temple area for headaches and migraines.

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