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Apteka ANNI FARM 1
Total ItemIn case of deficiency of vitamin B group. Beviplex N dragees contain a combination of group B vitamins, factors of high biological value, which in a physiological sense form a functional unit. Its role is reflected in the maintenance of the metabolic, chemical and physiological processes necessary for the normal functioning of the body. They have a particularly beneficial effect on the nervous system, and also contribute to improving the blood circulation of the skin, preventing its drying and creating conditions for stimulating regeneration and normal work of the sebaceous glands. Beviplex N dragees are intended for children for proper growth and development, people with increased needs of group B vitamins (children, convalescents, acute and chronic diseases), people exposed to physical and mental efforts (athletes, recreationists, students), people with poor appetite, people who consume alcohol, people with skin problems, people after long-term use of antibiotics, elderly people.
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