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ARD-024, 49e Hall's Inductitivity Sensor

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Product SKU: 30702

The output Voltage of the "Resting" Sensor (Technical Term: "Quiescent Voltage") is half the supply voltage and varies more or less explicit. That is to say: approject the pole of a magnet and the tension change in one directority and the voltage will change in the reverse directors 2.9 to 9V Supply voltages. Tested only with 3.3 and 5v.The sensor saturates with + -90mt (militesla) of flow.The maximum voltage at the sensor output when saturated is Slightly Less than the Supply Voltage. For example, with 5V power the output will be at maximum 4.2v.Sensitivity of 14 to 18 mv per mt.uses: non-contact proximity detection; Speed ​​Measurement on Rotary Machines; ETC.

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